Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An Evening With the Achievers (Toastmasters Abu Dhabi)

Yet again, another invitation to join Toastmasters Club.

I was invited once more to attend and be a guest at the Toastmasters Club, but here in Abu Dhabi.

The first time I attended Toastmasters was during the time I was with Air2100 in the Philippines. It was sponsored by the company but I was not interested to join the meetings for the simple reason that I was so afraid then to speak in English, especially in front of an audience.

I get stage fright everytime I speak to large number of strangers who have deep knowledge and confidence in speaking English, even if there are just 8 people in the room. I feel like my blood will rush and shoot up to my brain then literally have my nose bleed. It is the reason I have made excuses every meeting not to attend the Toastmasters Club in Air21.

Then came the invitation with Toastmasters Club Aboitiz 2Go. My best friend's company had sponsored this club for the staff and my friend was also a member. They have opened the invitation to others who are not 2Go employees but are interested to join. I was working then with Santa Fe Relocations. Since I have gained some confidence in speaking the language due to the nature of my work, I joined the club. I was able to attend around 6 meetings and prepared 2 speech projects, but was never able to complete the course because of my hectic schedule. But another reason, I was paralyzed and felt incapable to prepare a speech. It was difficult for me to organize my thoughts, it seems scattered at that time and it was so impossible for me to prepare a coherent speech, so I dropped it.

Now, I am being invited again to join the Achiever's Toastmasters Club here in Abu Dhabi. It was really interesting since there are other members of the club who are foreign nationals. But  I am a bit undecided whether to push through with becoming a member. I am hesitant if I will be able to commit myself to the schedules and responsibilities.

I cannot help but wonder, though, if I am meant to be in this club as this opportunity has been offered to me for the third time. I never tried looking for the Toastmasters Club and yet it has found me again. Probably a certain destiny awaits for me here and it is something I might need to acknowledge this time. I maybe destined to be called Madame Toastmasters, why not?.

Earlier, one of the speakers, Cisco Lay, delivered his Advance Speech Project entitled "I speak therefore I am."  I was impressed on the coherency of his speech and the way he delivered it with confirndence. I would like to be like him, being able to convey my thoughts with clarity and conviction. Being confident to speak in front of an audience with the proficiency of the English language.

I know Toastmasters can help improve my writing and communication skills. It is just up to me now to decide and make it happen. As they say, success comes from those who dare to take risks.


**photo courtesy from the Achievers Toastmasters Abu Dhabi website.